Building High performance forever homes

Best Home Builder in Caledon and Surrounding Areas

Building Sustainable Homes that are built the highest architectural standards.

Why us

The Sandhill Homes team lives for the nitty gritty particulars. Every project begins with a shared vision and thorough consideration of all possibilities. When priorities are clearly aligned, the entire team spares no detail in a comprehensive approach to crafting the perfect custom home.


Building a home starts with learning all about You. Your lifestyle, your goals, your schedule will all play into how we build your goal. Developing the perfect team at the onset between architect, builder and designer is key to getting the tone for the rest of the project.

Science Based Building Approach

We approach each home striving to be better and get better building the "perfect home". If the home is only meant to be part of your life for a short period or you plan on passing it down to future generations, we only use materials that will help make the home "healthy" for you and the environment.

Long Term Commitment

We at Sandhill will build and craft your home to your specifications but we aren't the ones living in it. We understanding that problems or issues might arise as you send more time in your new home. We will be there to help you along with any problem you might encounter both big and small. The work is not done when we hand over the keys!


Expert Home Builder In Caledon And Surrounding Areas

Why choose us

Help You Get Your Dream Project Started

Are we the right fit?

Stylistically, architecturally or simply geographically does our company work for your needs? We’ll address that on our initial 30 minute call.

Are you the right fit for us?

We are not able to take on every project and increasingly find ourselves selecting the projects that we feel we perform the best on. The initial call will also be an opportunity to learn if we feel like your project fits what we do best at Sandhill.